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How To Start A Business When You're Broke

One of the biggest excuses we make is that our pockets are not as deep as our dreams Trust me, I understand. When I started my social media management business... ya girl was BROKE. I didn't have the money for my website, to promote online, to pay for a premium Tailwind account, or ANY of my blog and business expenses. When I started my YouTube Channel. I had to start it on my phone because I couldn't afford a camera. This is just the honest truth, BUT I did not let that stop me.

So, let's get into how to start your business when you're broke.


Save money

I wasn't making a lot of money when I started saving my money for my business. You have to be willing to sacrifice those weekends out, those take out dinners, and those other frivolous spendings. I started out saving only $50 a month. It wasn't even easy to do that, but I sacrificed and was able to do that until I could afford my website and afford to buy my domain name.

Start with what costs $0

Social media is free. Reaching out to target audiences free. Start promoting. Taking on clients. Do the things that don’t cost you money and allow the funds from that to fund what you need to pay for.

Look into grants BEFORE loans

There are programs available to give you money for FREE without having to pay it back and I would look into that before I looked into getting financial loans because you don't want to start your business in debt. I never got a loan, or a grant, but I have a service based business and didn't need to buy things to start off with so your situation MIGHT be different. Some people have up-front costs that include the price of the items they need, so that is an option as well. BUT if you must, try and get grants first then you can rty and get a minimum amouhnt of loans to pay back.

These are the simple ways to start your business now. Nothing super extravagant right? I know you probably could've thought of it yourself.... so then... why not start? Start NOW.

So tell me: Are you ready to start your business?


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