If you have a blog, or if you’re a YouTuber, or anything that involves you to dip into your creative mind you will know exactly what I am talking about when I say that we all get to that point where it feels like the creative well has gone dry. As I write this blog post, I only have one post that’s scheduled to go out… tomorrow. If I didn’t write this post I would have nothing to put out during the weekend. If you’re also aldoing Blogtober then you know how hard it can be to keep ideas just flowing consistently to keep up with content. I haven’t written a blog post in over a month (yes I scheduled things that much in advance).
I love what I do. Blogging, YouTube, and my business. These things are my passion. However I found myself not wanting to do any of it. I couldn’t come up with ideas or figure out how to word things with the ideas I did have. It can be a defeated feeling when you feel like you can’t reach that side of you where all of your best ideas and content comes from. I began to doubt my future as a blogger. BUT I AM BACK. You guys are a big part of the reason why. Thanks to the love and support I found myself working towards gaining back that inspiration.
How to inspire Your Creativity
Now with all of that being said, this didn’t happen overnight. I found myself losing my own unique voice because I was freelance writing for other people. I started taking intentional steps in order to grasp that creative me I love so much. So I decided to share with you guys the things that I did that helped me get back to my creativity.
Switch things up. Working in different environments helped me get out of that mundane funk I was feeling. I worked at home in my living room a few times. I went to coffee shops. I went to the library. Each time I got tired of going to a place… I went somewhere else. I also started making new nighttime and morning routines. I just started a new regimen that helps me feel like I not only have my life together as an adult, but I also feel more motivated to get things done because I am more relaxed and more prepared.
Workout. I’m not saying run until you throw up a lung or go to the gym and spend three hours, but activity helps getting the creative juices flowing. Some form of exercise can distract you temporarily and allow your mind to relax and release endorphins.. Or something like that and help release the block that is on your mind. I usually do Yoga. Yoga makes me feel at peace and like I have my life together while also makes me feel motivated and gets my creative particles floating around.
Go for a quiet walk. This is similar to exercise…well it is exercise but the motives are different. There is just something about taking a walk in nature and breathing in that fresh air. The sounds of birds and the green grass makes it hard NOT to be inspired. It relaxes you. Usually the main thing blocking our creativity is stress or an overwhelmed feeling of some kind. For me it was definitely stress and walking outside gave me a certain sense of calm.
Look at someone else’s content. Not just anyone. Look at the people you look up to. If you make YouTube videos go watch some of your favorite YouTubers in your niche. You’re a photographer, go look at some fancy photos on Instagram. Let their creativity inspire yours. Mooch off their creativity. I love to read some bloggers posts because it puts me in the mode of creativity and work. Sometimes, I won’t lie, I find myself wanting to touch on the same topics I read about, BUT I have my own unique perspective and voice to share on the topic. You never know what kind of ideas could inspire your own. I once read a post about someone writing about their child (I do not have children) and I was inspired to write about my job which at the time was a daycare center. You see?
Take a break. Sometimes your mental block is a sign that you should maybe chill. Take some time to chill and rejuvenate. I took a break for a few weeks back in March and a break for a couple months (as you guys know) before launching this blog. It was MUCH needed and I ended up coming back with so much joy and excitement for blogging. Sometimes that break is necessary. It’s okay to take some self-care time to yourself.
So these are the things that helped me inspire my creativity. Now I feel like I am bursting at the seams with ideas and I am ready to come out with new content! What do you guys do when you have a block to your creativity? Have you tried any of these? What are some reasons you guys may have for this mental block? I love to hear from you guys so comment and subscribe to hear about future posts!
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Couples YT Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH5oonayYlftKWnZf9z2hOA