Nighttime Routines set our day up for success and that’s why I’m careful to set my day up for success.
Keep reading to learn how.
I am really happy to work with our sponsor, lusciously silked, today to share this information with you!
This sponsored post is really coming at a great time because I was just thinking about how I could share with you about how to properly care for your hair and be a boss at the same time
Thanks to my sponsor, lusciously silked, for supplying the free product to help me write this post today!
My Nighttime Routine
Eat semi-early
I try not to eat at like 9PM. I wanna give my food time to digest before I sleep!
Clean up
Once I’ve eaten, I straighten up the kitchen and whatever else I see needing to be straightened out.
Shower & Skin Care
Time to wind down and take care of myself and do all of the hygienic things. I have a nighttime routine vlog where I go more into this On my channel, you can watch here. This also is where I place on my lusciously skilled bonnet!
This bonnet helps me to take care of my natural hair. Bonnets and pillow cases can be more damaging to your hair than you realize! Along with a silk pillow case,, has also granted me the luxury of a bonnet that helps prevent damage to ya girls ends AND moisture stripping of my hair. I am in LOVE and again, SUPER grateful for this opportunity with them! More on this bonnet on my YT channels latest Vlog!
A few of the items I received. Both hats have satin on the inside and so even all day, your natural hair is protected!
Pick out clothes for the next day
This helps me feel prepared for the next day and also takes this long process of my day out of the equation the next morning
Do a little Netflix watching
watching some tv or something that doesn’t take any real brain power is a way I like to settle down. I love movies and tv shows. I’ve always been like that.
To-do list check
Now is the time that I check my to-do list and make sure that I’ve gotten everything done that I needed to, and if I didnt... then I add it to the next day’s to-do list So I’ll know what needs to be done the next day.
Tea time and melatonin
I’ve started taking melatonin lately so that I can get some restful sleep. It doesn’t make me tired, but it allows me to get quality sleep and I wake up feeling a lot more refreshed.
Read a book
Ending my day with a good book is a way I like to wind down and educate myself at the same time. I’ve always loved reading and this year I’ve made an extra special effort to read more.
Go to sleep
This is how I end my day the best way possible.
How do you end your day?