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How To Be Productive On Rainy Days

I know. Rainy days don't exactly promote productivity. Most people sees rain and instantly feel lethargic or unmotivated. I tend to want to curl up in bed and watch Netflix all day (and it's been raining a lot here in Georgia lately)

However, rainy days are a great time to get some super adulty things done. I have discovered seven ways to be productive on a rainy day, even on those days when it's rainy AND you don't have to be at work. So if you're wanting to spend your rainy days doing something productive instead of wasting the day away.. continue reading.

How to Be Productive on a Rainy Day

Do a budget review.

Most adults, especially us young adults, don't do budget reviews often enough. Bills change, fluctuate, and so does income. You have to make sure your budget is reflecting those changes. It is also a good time to see where you are wasting money they most and how you can start saving more.


 It could be your closet, your kitchen, or your bedroom. There are places we all need to declutter every now and again and rainy weather is the perfect time because you don't really have an excuse since you're in the house anyway. Plus, that is something you can do while also watching Netflix on your phone or laptop.

Do some meal prepping.

 If you know me then you know that I struggle with meal prepping regularly, but I am always able to find the time when it is rainy outside (too bad it doesn't rain more often). This is a good time to cook up a few meals and save them for the future when you don't feel like cooking which is, if you're like me, most days during the week.

Make a goals list.

 I am ALLLLL about lists. Income goals. Career goals. This is a great time to sit and focus and think about what it is that you really want. Write it down and place it somewhere you'll see it regularly and start planning out how you're going to achieve these goals.


 Okay, I know I just said being productive and not lazing the day away, but sometimes when you work all the time, like myself, the most productive and helpful thing you can do for yourself is REST. Rest your body. Rest your mind. Catch up on your sleep. I don't mean laze about the whole day, but take a nap and regenerate if you need to.

Pay your bills.

This is also a good time to get bills out of the way. Pay some ahead of time if need be so you don't have to think about it later.

Work on your side hustle.

 My side hustles are slowly becoming my main hustles. That happened because during my down time I was working on them consistently. Rainy days indoors are a GREAT time to put in some serious work on whatever your side hustle is. If you spend an entire day indoors and don't work on your side hustle at ALL, you need to get it all the way together.

So these are some tips so you don't feel like a rainy day will be a day wasted. What do you like to do on rainy days to feel productive? Comment down below.


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