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How has blogging changed my life?

In a previous post I talked about why I started blogging. If you are a subscriber or a previous reader then you know that this site is relatively new. I started the old site a year and a couple months ago. The support and love I got from all of you wonderful readers was the reason I continued and the reason I decided to make an entirely new and more thought out website. A couple of weeks ago, I got a DM on Instagram being asked if blogging has changed my life in any way. At first, I thought it didn’t change my life at all. I am not that different of a person. I still enjoy doing the same things. Blogging is just something else I’ve added to my life.

It didn’t take me too long to realize how utterly ridiculous I was being thinking that it hasn’t changed my life. Blogging has probably been one of the biggest impacts on my life. It inspired me to do so many other things like start my YouTube channel, pursue my freelancing business, and to start pursuing my passions in spite of fear.

How has Blogging Changed My Life?

  1. My daily routine is completely different. Before o began blogging, I woke up at the latest possible hour before having to go to work. If I didn’t have to go to work, I was asleep until my body woke me up. I spent my leisure time watching T.V. or driving back and forth to different friends apartments. Now, I wake up with purpose. I have goals and dreams that I never considered possible for me until I started blogging and watched it grow.  I actually have a morning routine  and I use my day to be as productive as possible.

  2. My mental health has improved. I suffer from depression and it used to be much worse than what it is today. It’s not because of attention or growth on social media that this began to get better. It’s because now I’ve found something that I do every single day that I enjoy doing that occupies my brain. I’m not saying I never have times of depression or that everything is perfect now. However, having something to focus on that I enjoy on a regular basis is tremendously helpful. Blogging lead me to my current freelancing businesss and I enjoy nothing more than working from home and helping other small influencers grow their social media influence. My accomplishments and the practice of positive thinking that I preach has monumentally made a difference in my life.

  3. My time management skills have improved GREATLY. I’m not saying I’m the master at it or anything, but I used to be late for absolutely everything and I never got anything done on time. As a Blogger, Youtuber, and freelancer, I have a lot that I do and if I am going to keep up with posting schedules and deadlines for clients I have to be able to manage my time wisely. Blogging was the first step in all of this. Setting a blogging schedule forced me to have to set time aside to get things done. Then when I began adding other things to the list I just applied the same methods. Now, I have multiple YouTube channels I’m a part of, this blog, and freelancing and I’ve been able to manage my time so well that i actually have room for multiple clients as we speak. Did I mention I don’t work at all on Saturdays? Time management is a beautiful thing and I’m grateful to blogging for now being able to practice it and I’m getting better and better with time.

There are actually quite a few ways that blogging has changed my life. I’ve met wonderful people. The other bloggers I’ve met in this community are wonderfully supportive and sweet. I now have a business that doesn’t feel like work to me. Not a lot of people get to say that. I’m waking up early in the mornings these days which has had AMPLE benefits. Finding ways to improve the lives of others has also put me in the position to continuously be finding ways to improve my own life. That’s what I love about having a self-development blog. The only way for me to have content for you guys and it be genuine is to research and then practice positive steps myself.

So,  Clearly blogging has made a huge impact. If I never started my blog, my entire life would look different. I love blogging and I love all of you readers and subscribers out there. If you’re a blogger, how did blogging impact your life? Share and comment down below!

Stalk me on all my social media!



SC: CherishingFlo


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