
Mar 3, 20224 min

Why I Stand Ten Toes On The Importance of Morning Routines

Disclaimer: This post will be slightly different as I will be going on a bit of a rant that hopefully, I can organize so it's readable... haha

I have heard a lot lately from people who are anti morning routines.

In fact, I had someone send me a lengthy email a few months ago in response to a YouTube video on my channel about morning routines. It was very interesting to hear someone so passionate about how morning routines aren't necessary and you don't have to wake up at 5 AM to be successful and blah blah blah.

As time passes, I realized that morning routines get a bad rep and people misconstrue their purpose.

So I wanted to clarify and share why I PERSONALLY stand wholeheartedly on morning routines.

Why I defend Morning Routines

I've stated multiple times that morning routines were impactful. They shape your day and that is a FACT.

How you start your day really does matter. Your first thoughts, words, and actions subconsciously set the tone for how you will react to things the rest of the day.

Maybe you can get a lot done at night or stay up late cause you're a night owl, but THAT'S NOT THE POINT.

Morning routines are not JUST for spending some hours working on your business or blog or whatever. The point of morning routines is to start your day focused on YOU.

People really get the wrong idea

5 AM morning routines are just an example. They are especially for people who have to leave their house for work at like 7 AM. If you don't have to leave early, don't wake up as early.

The point is to wake up an hour before anyone will be needing you or contacting you for anything. This:

  1. Assists you in practicing discipline. Once you can master waking up and doing things just for you, you can commit to doing other things that are just for you.

  2. Allows you quiet, undisturbed time to just BE and take your time. Why rush out the door in the mornings where your focus will be on work tasks, the pending traffic in your commute, and your annoying coworkers? Starting your morning stress-free creates a better day.

I used to wake up at 5 AM cause I had to be at work at 9 AM. I wanted to have a morning routine and work on my business. Then, when my desires changed, so did my wake-up time.

The whole point is that it is for YOU. Which means you can wake up early enough to do whatever it is that you need to do in order to set your day up.

Maybe just an hour earlier than you do now. That HOUR can make all the difference in your entire life. That hour can be what gives you that million-dollar idea or give you the clarity to do what you need to in order to get that promotion.

They aren't just for "morning people"

Let me be clear... I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON. When I first started waking up at 5 AM I was UPSET. I had an attitude each morning... until I realized how good it felt to have gotten so much self-care and work done for ME before I had to deal with anyone else. I could just SIT in the quiet because no one else was awake. I could meditate, watch my fave videos, listen to music, do yoga, or WHATEVER energized me before I had to leave my house or deal with work buzzes on my phone.

It's important that the first steps you make are for you. In fact, one of my fave parts about waking up early is not having to utilize my phone at ALL. My phone stays on DND and I don't even bother to look at it until 7 AM (I currently wake up at 6).

It's also not rigid. I change my morning routine any time I feel like it. In fact, I would hardly call it a routine. I have a bunch of things I enjoy doing and each morning I do whichever of those things feel right to me. And that works. It's your time. you can do with it what you choose.

To all my night owls:

Maybe nighttime is when you have the most energy. Maybe at night is when you want to work on your business. Cool. Do that. But ONLY in the morning can you have your alone time completely untainted by anyone or anything else.

At night, you've already been to work. Your coworker has already pissed you off. So you have to spend that time unwinding and relieving stress. Morning routines allow you to have a sense of peace before the storm ever arrives. And that is an extremely impactful power to give to yourself.

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. Maybe you're an overnight worker or you don't have to go to work until 11 AM.... then your morning routine can start in the middle of the afternoon or 9 AM instead of 7 and before. The point is to start your day without having to focus on anyone or anything but yourself. No rushed showers and teeth brushing. You can move slowly and take your time.

In conclusion, maybe waking up at 5 AM isn't for you. That doesn't mean morning routines aren't. Find a simple 45 minutes in the morning to yourself and do with it... whatever you want. It's YOUR time. And watch the difference it makes in your life.

Would you guys like an updated morning routine ideas post? Comment down below!