
Mar 12, 20202 min

Is Pinterest Worth The Investment? — How Pinterest Can Help Grow Your Blog/Business

Disclaimer: This blog post contains affiliate links. This means that if you decide to purchase something using my link I will get a commission for it at no extra cost to you. HOWEVER, I am not just blurting out affiliate links without believing in the product so if I am promoting it, it is my personal opinion that it is purchase worthy so enjoy!

Now back to our regularly scheduled program:

Since I started blogging in 2017, I always heard about how Pinterest was key to growing a blog. However, I was not readily convinced. It took me until October of 2018 to actually start utilizing Pinterest, and even then it was only half heartedly, but the decision to get started changed a LOT of things!

In a nutshell, the answer to if Pinterest helps your blog Is yes. But if you’re like me, you may wanna know how it helps your blog and how you can get started!!!


Why Pinterest Will Help Grow Your Blog and Business

It has over 50x more reach than Twitter

Before Pinterest, I thought Twitter was the best form of traffic for my blog. It used to drive a lot of traffic and the support system on there is EXCELLENT. However, Pinterest has 250 million people using it every single month! You don’t wanna miss putting your content in front of that plethora of an audience!

It is one of the worlds largest search engines in the WORLD

THE WORLD! This means people are using it all over and you’ll want to be someone who is putting this out to the world.

User Engagement Is High AF

There is a high number of users on Pinterest who are making purchase decisions and actively researching things on Pinterest. So not only are there a lot of people on there but they are all actively learning and relying on the articles and advertisements they find.

It helps you gauge your Target Audience preferences

Pinterest analytics can give you an insight into titles and images that do better for your target audience by keeping track of what gets more clicks. This also can help you catch the right eyes on other platforms as well.

How do you use Pinterest for your blog?

In order to REALLY break down how to get started with Pinterest, I utilized Elle Duclos Pinterest E-Course. It broke down for me how to use Pinterest best from images to just how to create a Pinterest page that is ideal and even broke down the Tailwind strategy so that you can get started right. It was simple yet EFFECTIVE and has changed the way I promote my blog HEAVILY.

Tell me: have you started your Pinterest journey?