
Dec 3, 20212 min

How to increase your blogging income during the holidays

This post contains affiliate links. This means IF you choose to purchase something using one of my affiliate links, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I do not make up any of my opinions, so if I signed up as an affiliate, I stand ten toes on the product I am speaking about!

Anywho, back to our regularly scheduled program.

Are you a blogger and you trying to make some coins this holiday season?

I've been consistently blogging since October of 2018 and I had to learn how to start really racking in the bucks during the holidays. It became a contest with myself each year to see if I could outdo myself content-wise and money-wise.

I am now an official influencer who works with brands, affiliate marketing, etc. in several ways and while I am not making a ridiculous amount of money like some professional bloggers, I have learned ways to increase my blog income during the holiday season.

How To Increase Your Bog Income During The Holidays

Write content that fits the season

Regardless of your niche, there is a way for you to create content that fits the holiday season. It is the time for Christmas and cheer and gift giving and the more you create content that fits that, the more people will be interested in what you have to offer!

Get seasonal sponsors, affiliates, and ads.

Last minute shoppers will take heavy advantage of blog posts that give them the ability to purchase good gifts, or things that can help them with their 2022 goals. Plus, brands are going to be in heavy search of influencers during the season to promote their promotional deals, etc as well as affiliate programs. You can find all sorts of affiliate programs on places like ClickAds and if you type the search in on Twitter.

Get involved with Holiday trends

One of my fave holiday blogging trends is blogmas. I genuinely enjoy seeing everyone share stuff about blogmas and how it has helped them. It brings new people to your profile who never saw it and gives them the opportunity to fall in love with your writing!

Utilize Pinterest

Pinterest is a POWERFUL tool for bloggers and I will ALWAYS tell you to utilize. Promote your blog posts and affiliate link using Pinterest and you WILL see a difference. Don't know how? Check out Nadalie Bardo's Pinterest Popular Course that literally spells out how to use Pinterest to really build traffic for your blog posts! You won't regret that investment!

It is basically an all-in-one Pinterest stop shop!

Are you ready to start building on your blogging career? Comment down below!