
Jul 13, 20202 min

How To Handle Your Period Like A Boss

Being a female entrepreneur or business owner also means dealing with the monthly monster, but still having to show up for your business. Us women are known to power through and work despite this pain, but I know on the insides we be wanting to SCREAM.

So I’m going to share how I have managed to make my cycle slightly easier each month.



Stay prepared

KEEP yourself stocked up on tampons, pads, and medicine everywhere you go. Place some in every purse/bag you use. Place some under every sink in every bathroom in your house. Make sure you have back up preparations in your closet. This makes you feel more confident and not allow a surprise to keep you from being A boss.

Drink LOTS of water

Drinking water consistently throughout the month has a huge impact on your cycle. It makes the flow smoother and it helps make cramps less intense. Drinking alkaline water consistent throughout the month helps with this even more. In fact when I was drinking alkaline water daily, I found myself having few cramps at all.

Be gentle with yourself

Take your time on those few days. Don’t push yourself extra hard and give yourself grace. We are amazing as is, no need to try and prove yourself. You’re doing the thing.

Self care OVERLOAD

Fave snacks. Fave movies. Fave activities. Do ALL OF THE THINGS that make you feel positively. It’s important right now to love on yourself.

Be active

Being active was the hardest one for me. I’m not going to lie... I HATE exercise. However, the more active I was, the less my cramps hurt my stomach and back. Also, the more energy I had when the cycle came on.

A lot of these tips are actually just basic health tips in the first place. Taking care of yourself helps make those hard times of the month slightly easier. We got this.

How do you prepare to slay while on your period?